Roses are Red Group Exhibition at Quirk Gallery


After a slight change in plans, I’m happy to announce that my first fine art piece is currently available to view (or purchase!) at Quirk Gallery! 

My piece, entitled A Compendium of Roses, is a part of a more extensive group exhibition called Roses are Red. It features works from artists in varied disciplines and media that incorporate plants, botanicals, flowers, and floral elements.

You can preview pieces from the show and learn more about the exhibition on Quirk’s site. And now that Quirk Hotel is open again, the gallery is available for viewing small group gatherings. Check it out in person and then grab a drink on the rooftop bar!

More information about and photos of my entry below! Let me know what you think.



at The Pink Gallery, Quirk Gallery
in Richmond, Virginia


Monday through Saturday: 10 am–5 pm
Sunday: 10 am–4 pm

For more information about the exhibition or to arrange a visit, please visit this page. To inquire about purchasing this piece, contact Quirk Gallery.



T I T L E:

A Compendium of Roses 

D I M E N S I O N S:

18” tall x 24” wide x 16” deep

M E D I U M:

German and Italian Crepe Paper, Wire, Paperclay, Watercolor, Pastels, Archival Inks; Styrofoam, Ceramic (container) 

W O R K S T A T E M E N T:

In my work, I recognize that roses are often overlooked in favor of the current trend. That is, at least, by name. The roses I create are often the most complimented, but they are also the most misidentified. People often associate their admiration with the peony instead of an English Garden Rose. They don’t expect to love a rose as much, and I think that identity crisis can be blamed on the stereotypical red rose. Bred to the point of odorless, plastic-like perfection, this representation of an entire classification of plants does nothing to draw appeal. Tasked with Roses are Red, I wanted to demonstrate that roses can be that, and much more. I created multiple varieties of roses, showcasing the diversity of bloom styles, as well as a full spectrum that highlights the versatility of red. I hope that this piece will engage you to look more closely at roses, their complexity, their history, and their uniqueness. 

Studio Photos

For more information about the exhibition or to arrange a visit, please visit this page. To inquire about purchasing this piece, contact Quirk Gallery.