2019: Another Year of Paperversaries!


At the start of the new year, I like to do a quick recap of my favorite projects from the past year. 2019 was my busiest yet, so there is a lot to be thankful for and celebrate, starting with my Paperversary clients!

This gallery represents the majority (some are still waiting to be gifted) of the anniversaries I helped clients celebrate last year—almost 50 couples! As I’ve said before, I’m infinitely honored to play a role in these celebrations. I love working with every one of you and love hearing the stories of your celebrations and reactions. It’s the best!

I will eventually honor each one with a project recap and share more photos, but for now, take a flip through all of the before and after shots I’ve collected! Many, many hours of work are represented in these little photos, but it was well worth the effort for sure!

I’m so grateful to all of the couples who entrusted me with these unique gifts. These wedding bouquet recreations (or sometimes, creations!) are truly my favorite!

Stay tuned as I make my way through the list of these projects I haven’t had a chance to share yet, or check out the archive for all of the pieces I've posted so far.

2019 Paperversary Project Gallery


(For best viewing, click on an image and flip through the gallery!)

Interested in a Paperversary Bouquet?

I'm already booking Paperversary orders as far as August of this year, so if you have an anniversary coming up and would like me to create a wedding bouquet replica for you or your spouse, send me a note. All of the information about these projects can be found on this page.